Linux sur un Portégé M200
ajout de contrib et non-free dans /etc/apt/sources.list
apt-get update apt-get upgrade
apt-get install hdparm hdparm -d1 -u1 -m16 -c3 /dev/hda
apt-get install setserial chmod 666 /dev/ttyS0 setserial /dev/ttyS0 port 0x338 autoconfig dpkg-reconfigure setserial
Ce qui a pour effet de modifier le fichier /etc/serial.conf
modification de /etc/X11/xorg.conf pour ajouter le crayon et le touchpad.
Voir et
Section "InputDevice" Identifier "Synaptics Touchpad" Driver "synaptics" Option "SendCoreEvents" "true" Option "Device" "/dev/psaux" Option "Protocol" "auto-dev" # see # switch on/off shared memory for configuration Option "SHMConfig" "on" # coordinates of the edges Option "LeftEdge" "120" Option "RightEdge" "855" Option "TopEdge" "120" Option "BottomEdge" "650" # When finger pressure drops below this value, # the driver counts it as a release. Option "FingerLow" "14" # When finger pressure drops below this value, # the driver counts it as a release. Option "FingerHigh" "15" # max. time (in milliseconds) for detecting a tap Option "MaxTapTime" "180" # max. movement of the finger for detecting a tap Option "MaxTapMove" "110" # max. time (in milliseconds) for detecting a double tap Option "MaxDoubleTapTime" "100" # # the duration of the mouse click generated by tapping Option "ClickTime" "130" # # move distance of the finger for a scroll event Option "VertScrollDelta" "100" Option "HorizScrollDelta" "100" # finger pressure at which minimum edge motion speed is set Option "EdgeMotionMinZ" "30" # finger pressure at which maximum edge motion speed is set Option "EdgeMotionMaxZ" "100" # slowest setting for edge motion speed Option "EdgeMotionMinSpeed" "12" # fastest setting for edge motion speed Option "EdgeMotionMaxSpeed" "20" # If on, edge motion is also used for normal movements, # if off, egde motion is used only when dragging Option "EdgeMotionUseAlways" "off" # repeater device Option "Repeater" "/dev/input/event1" # min./max. speed factor Option "MinSpeed" "0.35" # Option "MaxSpeed" "0.9" # # acceleration factor Option "AccelFactor" "2.0" # # If on, the up/down buttons generate button 4/5 events. # If off, the up button generates a double click and # the down button generates a button 2 event. Option "UpDownScrolling" "on" # max time (in milliseconds) for middle button emulation Option "EmulateMidButtonTime" "75" # If on, the Touchpad is switched off # (useful if an external mouse is connected) Option "TouchpadOff" "off" # switch on/off guest mouse (often a stick) Option "GuestMouseOff" "off # If off, a tap and drag gesture ends when you release the finger. # If on, the gesture is active until you tap a second time. Option "LockedDrags" "on" # Which mouse button is reported on a top corner tap # (RT right top, RB right bottom, LT left top, LB left bottom) # 0=No action, 1=Left Button, 2=Middle Button, 3=Right Button Option "RTCornerButton" "0" Option "RBCornerButton" "0" Option "LTCornerButton" "2" Option "LBCornerButton" "2" # Which mouse button is reported on a non-corner # (one|two|three)-finger tap. # 0=No action, 1=Left Button, 2=Middle Button, 3=Right Button Option "TapButton1" "1" Option "TapButton2" "2" Option "TapButton3" "3" # If on, circular scrolling is used (see below) Option "CircularScrolling" "off" # Move angle (radians) of finger to generate a scroll event Option "CircScrollDelta" # Trigger region on the touchpad to start circular scrolling # 0=All Edges, 1=Top Edge, 2=Top Right Corner, 3=Right Edge, 4=Bottom Right Corner, # 5=Bottom Edge, 6=Bottom Left Corner, 7=Left Edge, 8=Top Left Corner Option "CircScrollTrigger" # Instead of being a rectangle, the edge is the ellipse # enclosed by the Left/Right/Top/BottomEdge parameters. # For circular touchpads. Option "CircularPad" "off" EndSection ############## WACOM #################" Section "InputDevice" Driver "wacom" Identifier "cursor" Option "Device" "/dev/ttyS0" Option "ForceDevice" "ISDV4" Option "Type" "cursor" Option "Mode" "absolute" Option "Speed" "3.0" Option "Threshold" "2" Option "Tilt" "on" #Option "DebugLevel" "10" EndSection Section "InputDevice" Driver "wacom" Identifier "stylus" Option "Device" "/dev/ttyS0" Option "Type" "stylus" Option "ForceDevice" "ISDV4" Option "Mode" "absolute" Option "Tilt" "on" #Option "TiltInvert" "on" Option "Threshold" "2" #Option "DebugLevel" "10" EndSection Section "InputDevice" Driver "wacom" Identifier "eraser" Option "Device" "/dev/ttyS0" Option "ForceDevice" "ISDV4" Option "Type" "eraser" Option "Mode" "absolute" Option "Tilt" "on" #Option "TiltInvert" "on" Option "Threshold" "2" #Option "DebugLevel" "10" EndSection Section "ServerLayout" [...] ### WACOM ## InputDevice "cursor" "SendCoreEvents" InputDevice "stylus" "SendCoreEvents" InputDevice "eraser" "SendCoreEvents" ## END OF WACOM ## EndSection
Installation du driver nVidia pour avoir la rotation de l'écran. Voir
apt-get install module-assistant build-essential dialog nvidia-kernel-common fakeroot m-a prepare m-a auto-install nvidia apt-get install nvidia-glx
Changer le driver nv en nvidia dans /etc/X11/xorg.conf. Rajouter aussi l'option :
Load + Option "RandRRotation" "on" Section "Device" Identifier "NVIDIA Corporation NV34M [GeForce FX Go5200 32M/64M]" # Driver "nv" Driver "nvidia" BusID "PCI:1:0:0" Option "RandRRotation" "on" EndSection
Charger le module nvidia au démarage :
echo "nvidia" >> /etc/modules
(pour l'instant faire modprobe nvidia).
Pour que le curseur subisse aussi la rotation :
apt-get source wacom-tools
appliquer le patch de
Compiler et installer le paquet...
debuild -rfakeroot -us -uc dpkg -i wacom-tools_0.6.6.fejoz-8_i386.deb
/usr/local/bin/rotate-right #!/bin/sh xrandr -o right xsetwacom set stylus Rotate CW
/usr/local/bin/rotate-left #!/bin/sh xrandr -o left xsetwacom set stylus Rotate CCW
/usr/local/bin/rotate-normal #!/bin/sh xrandr -o normal xsetwacom set stylus Rotate none
Pour utiliser les touches Fn du clavier :
apt-get install fnfxd fnfx-client
Charger le module toshiba_acpi
echo "toshiba_acpi" >> /etc/modules
Pour pouvoir se logger avec un clavier visuel :
apt-get install xvkbd
créer le fichier /usr/local/bin/myxvkbd
#!/bin/sh sleep 3 /usr/bin/X11/xvkbd $@ et ajouter dans /etc/gdm/Init/Default juste avant le exit 0 #XVKBD="/usr/bin/X11/xvkbd" XVKBD="/usr/local/bin/myxvkbd" if [ -f ${XVKBD} ]; then ${XVKBD} -geometry -0-0 -xdm -always-on-top & fi
les deux dernières options ne sont pas encore valables pour cette version de xvkbd d'où l'astuce du sleep…
Utilisation de ntfs en écriture :
apt-get install ntfsprogs fuse-utils fuse-source m-a clean fuse m-a build fuse m-a install fuse
Ajout dans /etc/fstab
/dev/hda1 /mnt/windows ntfs auto,exec,ro,umask=002,uid=windows,gid=windows 0 0 /dev/hda2 /mnt/data ntfs-fuse auto,fmask=0113,dmask=0002,succeed_chmod,uid=1001,gid=1001 0 0
pour que tout le monde puisse monter :
ln -s /usr/bin/ntfsmount /usr/sbin/ntfsmount
Utilisation d'un compte Thunderbird commun sous Linux et MS/Windows :
more #!/bin/sh export LinuxDir=~/.mozilla-thunderbird/cmd2id85.loic/ export LinuxPref=${LinuxDir}prefs.js export WindowsDir=/mnt/data/Home/thunderbird/ export WindowsPref=${WindowsDir}prefs.js cp ${LinuxPref} ${LinuxPref}.`date "+%F.%s"`.js sed -e "s|D:\\\\\\\\|/mnt/data/|g" ${WindowsPref} | sed -e "s|\\\\\\\\|/|g" | grep -v ProfD > ${LinuxPref} fromdos ${LinuxPref} cp ${WindowsDir}signons.txt ${LinuxDir} fromdos ${LinuxDir}signons.txt echo "user_pref(\"signon.SignonFileName\", \"signons.txt\");" >> ${LinuxPref} # server Macker.loria use SSL echo "user_pref(\"mail.server.server3.isSecure\", true);" >> ${LinuxPref} # server UHP use SSL echo "user_pref(\"mail.server.server4.isSecure\", true);" >> ${LinuxPref} #for message filters ln -s ${WindowsDir}/training.dat ${LinuxDir}
Faire de firefox le navigateur par défaut :
update-alternatives --config x-www-browser
Gestion de la fréquence du processeur :
apt-get install powernowd echo "speedstep-centrino" >> /etc/modules echo "cpufreq_userspace" >> /etc/modules
Installation du wifi avant noyau 2.6.17 :
apt-get install ieee80211-source ipw2200-source cd /usr/src tar xvzf ipw2200-source.tar.gz m-a auto-install ieee80211 (install de la pile wifi) m-a auto-install ipw2200 (install du driver)
Voir /usr/share/doc/ipw2200-modules-`uname -r`/README.firmware pour charger le firmware spécificque.
tar xvzf -C /usr/lib/hotplug/firmware ~/ipw2200-fw-1.3.tgz
Installation du wifi après noyau 2.6.17 :
Télécharger le firmware 3.0 sur
tar xvzf -C /lib/firmware ~/ipw2200-fw-3.0.tgz
Pour le son :
apt-get install alsa-base alsa-utils
apt-get install dvips image-magick
Pour une gestion plus souple du réseau (dns et ifup automatique) :
apt-get install resolvconf dhcp3-client laptop-net laptop-net-doc
Pour les impressions :
apt-get install cupsys cupsys-client cupsys-bsd smbclient foomatic-filters psfontmgr cups-pdf
Install du VPN :
apt-get install vpnc iproute libatm1 echo "tun" >> /etc/modules
création du fichier /etc/vpnc/loria.conf
IPSec gateway IPSec ID IPSec secret notresecret #Xauth username myUserName # OPTIONAL # ======== # # # Varios options not undestood by vpnc itself but by some other scripts # # Target networks # If Target networks is defined here, the default route is not replaced! # Don't update resolv.conf though resolvconf is installed # DNSUpdate no et /etc/vpnc/inria.conf IPSec gateway IPSec ID IPSec secret ******* #Xauth username myUserName # OPTIONAL # ======== # # # Varios options not undestood by vpnc itself but by some other scripts # # Target networks # If Target networks is defined here, the default route is not replaced! # Don't update resolv.conf though resolvconf is installed # DNSUpdate no
A lancer ensuite par la commande :
/usr/sbin/vpnc-connect /etc/vpnc/loria.conf
et pour arrêter :
Installation de xpdf qui parfois marche mieux que Evince
apt-get install xpdf